NSW Northern Rivers Program Boosted to $880 Million

1st January 2025

The Australian Government has allocated a further $90 million for the Northern Rivers Resilient Homes Program (RHP) bringing the total program value to $880 million.


The RHP was launched in October 2022 in response to the devastating floods across the NSW Northern Rivers region, with initial funding of $700 million, jointly funded between the Australian and NSW Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).


The NSW Government confirmed a further $90 million in its June Budget, which has now been matched by the Australian Government, bringing the total to $880 million. The program is being delivered by the NSW Reconstruction Authority. 


The program relocates members of the community from high-risk flood areas by buying back properties that represent the greatest risk to life, as well as improving the resilience of eligible homes against future floods by raising, relocating, rebuilding, or retrofitting.


As of 29 November, 836 offers had been approved under the RHP, and 708 buyback offers had been accepted, with 564 settlements completed. 


Read more here.


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