2019 Canberra
The FMA Conference has been held annually for over 50 years and is the most respected flood risk management event held in Australia.
The theme of the conference was “A National Call to Action: Making Australia Flood Safe“, which will focussed on bringing together various partners and sharing of great research and ideas to set a clear and compelling vision, mission and priorities for the flood community of Australia.
The conference included outstanding Australian and international speakers, plenary and concurrent presentations, a Local Government Councillors’ session, field trips addressing floodplain issues in the Australian Capital Territory and surrounding areas, as well as networking events. Optional conference workshops on topical issues were held on the Tuesday.
Who Attended?
Commonwealth, State and Local Government Representatives
Research Organisations
Education Providers
Land-Use Planners
Emergency Responders
Community Volunteer Organisations
Equipment Providers
Have you saved the date for the 2020 Toowoomba Conference yet?