Canberra 2019 Conference Papers and Presentations


Download the 2019 Conference Program and Abstract Book.



Pre-Conference Workshops

Half-Day Introduction to Floodplain Risk Management Workshop

Introduction to Floodplain Risk Management PRESENTATION



Half Day Modelling for Non-Modellers

Modelling for Non-Modellers PRESENTATION 
What is Modelling? PRESENTATION
Floodplain Hydrology and Hydraulics PRESENTATION
Specific Uses for Floodplain Modelling PRESENTATION



Full Day Total Flood Warning Systems

D McLuckie – Total Flood Warning System: Introduction/Outline of Day PRESENTATION
A Clifton – TFWS Projects: Recent Case Studies in NSW PRESENTATION
J Robinson – FMA – TFWS Workshop 2019 Prediction PRESENTATION
J Robinson and A Schofield – FMA – TFWS Workshop 2019 Interpretation, Message Construction and Communication PRESENTATION
A Schofield – Warnings PRESENTATION
Y Bessard and S Wilkinson – Developing a Fit for Purpose TWFS, Example of Victoria PRESENTATION
N Dufty - Case Studies: Communication and Protective Behaviour PRESENTATION
C Gooch – FloodSmart Parramatta: Be Prepared, Be FloodSmart PRESENTATION




S Barker – Beyond the Torrent: Climate Change Through a Finance and Liability Risk Lens PRESENTATION
K. Harald Drager, Presented by Neil Dufty – Emergency Management Around the World: Challenges and Lessons Learned PRESENTATION



A National Call to Action: Making Australia Flood Safe - State and Territory Snapshots

C Beresford – FMA State and Territory Snapshots: ACT PRESENTATION
D Rose – FMA State and Territory Snapshots: NSW PRESENTATION
B Gautum– FMA State and Territory Snapshots: NT (Presented by G Evans) PRESENTATION
D Honor – FMA State and Territory Snapshots: QLD PRESENTATION
G Eckert – FMA State and Territory Snapshots: SA PRESENTATION
L Roberts – FMA State and Territory Snapshots: TAS PRESENTATION
M Edwards – FMA State and Territory Snapshots: VIC PRESENTATION
L Greening – FMA State and Territory Snapshots: WA PRESENTATION



A National Call to Action: Making Australia Flood Safe - National Panel

S Ribbons – A National Call to Action: Making Australia Flood Safe – National Panel PRESENTATION



2019 FMA NRMA Insurance Flood Risk Management Project of the Year Winner Presentation

BoM, Tweed Shire Council, Tumbulgum CA, NSW OEH and NSW SES - The Development and Implementation of a Flood Warning and Response Service for Tumbulgum PRESENTATION



Session 2A: Flood Policy, Guidance and Best Practice

M Babister, M Retallick, S Podger, D McLuckie, A Frazer – How Reliable is Your Design Flood Estimate? PRESENTATION
M Edwards - The Design Floods: Have We Got It Right? PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
K McAndrew – Room for the River: Are European Flood Mitigation Strategies Applicable for Australia PRESENTATION
N Jeronimo, M Hooker and P Wallace – Otaki Flood Damage Assessment: Quantify the Impact of Structural Works PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 2B: Communicating Flood Hazard and Risk

M Taylor, K Haynes, M Tofa and A Ahmed – Australia Speaks: National Survey Exploring Experiences and Attitudes Towards Entering Floodwater PRESENTATION
H Langler – Resilient Valley, Resilient Communities: Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley Flood Risk Management Strategy PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
S Westlake, R Polvere, G Bowman and C Munn – A System Approach for Managing and Communicating Risk for Levee-protected Communities PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 2C: Modelling

I Ghetti, O De Jong, O Garratt and P Nunn – Cooking Up ARR2016 Storms in Wollongong: The Importance of Using Local Ingredients PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
C Druery – The Need to Manage the Looming “Big Flood Data” Problem PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
R Bateman – Rain on Grid Modelling for Rural Catchments PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 2D: Emergency Preparedness and Management

K Agllias – Mainstream Technology Trends Identifying New Vulnerabilities and Opportunities in Flood Emergency Management? PRESENTATION
A Gissing and M Eburn – Better Practice Disaster Planning for Catastrophic Flood Disasters PRESENTATION
L Allan – Watering Down Risk: Flood Emergency Management Plans PRESENTATION
F Ling, M Babister, K Robinson and S Blundy – Flood Forecasting: Managing Flood Events in the Face of Uncertainty PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 3A: Flood Policy, Guidance and Best Practice

G Milligan – Brisbane River Strategic Floodplain Management Plan: A Regionally Coordinated and Multi-disciplined Approach PRESENTATION
B Iezzi – Citywide Creek and Overland Flow: Flood Awareness Map Update PRESENTATION
C Spliethoff – Towards a State-Wide Disaster Resilience Investment Framework PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 3B: Social and Cultural Aspects

E Maratea – We’ll Come to You: Door Knocking in Two Wollongong Floodplains PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
N Dufty – Analysing the Social Impacts of Flood Risk Management Options PRESENTATION



Session 3C: Infrastructure Projects and Asset Management (Levees)

E Henty – The Realities of Flood Proofing Towns Using Levees PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
M Abdus Subhan and A Sevenler – Flood Mitigation Asset – Levee Reconstruction in an Estuary with Multiple Management Issues PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
F Spain – The Performance of NSW Urban Levees Adjacent to Riverbanks PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 3D: 10 Minute Presentations 

G Eckert – Achieving the ‘All Hazards Approach”: Expanding Mapping Support from Bushfires to Floods PRESENTATION
P Lees – When to Get Out? Managing Hazards at the Milford Huts Opihi River Mouth PRESENTATION
B Hughes – Communicating Planning Scheme Changes in Victoria PRESENTATION
H Wang – A Method to Better Assess the Effectiveness of Flood Warnings PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
A Mason – City of Wagga Wagga: Protecting the City and People During a Flood PRESENTATION
O Garrat-Symes – Using Animation to Clear Muddied Waters PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 5A: Flood Policy, Guidance and Best Practice

O Perera – Flood Resilient Homes Program: Empowering Residents to Live Through Floods PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
N Lewis – Practical Application of the NSW DSC’s Guidelines on the Design of Detention Basin Safety Upgrades for Prescribed Dams PRESENTATION
C Thomas and M Babister – Shelter-in-Place: Are We in a Policy Vacuum? PRESENTATION



Session 5B: National Collaboration and Coordination

C Mooney, A Cornish and S Maguire – Sustainable Flood Warning Infrastructure: The Benefits of National Collaboration PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
A Cornish – Building International Collaboration to Improve Flood Forecasting and Warning Services in Australia and England PRESENTATION
R Thomson, O Garrat-Symes and I Ghetti – When You Don’t Fit the Mould Creating Local Guidance in Wollongong LGA PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 5C: Flood Prediction and Warning

S Buchanan and A Berry – Is Real Time Giving Us More Time? PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
B McPherson – Extreme Ocean Water Levels NSW PRESENTATION
C Gooch – FloodSmart Parramatta: A Total Flash Flood Warning Service PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 5D: 10 Minute Presentations

T Mortlock – A Potential Slowing of Tropical Cyclones in Australia and Implications for Flooding PRESENTATION
B Chen and D Newton – Elements of a Flood Disaster: Understanding the 2011 Grantham Flood PRESENTATION
L Inglis and B Tate – When Perception and Evidence Based Practice Collide: Floodplain Management in the Aftermath of the 2016 Floods at St Marys, and Break O’Day Council Tasmania PRESENTATION
M Thompson – Emergency Management Sector Adaptation Plan (EM-SAP): An Adaptive Emergency Management Sector that is Fully Engaged with the Risks and Opportunities of a Changing Climate PRESENTATION
K McAndrew – Legal Perspectives of Levee Ownership and Maintenance in NSW PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
C Fauth – Planned Retreat or Hold the Line: A Community Conundrum PRESENTATION



Session 7A: NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

D McLuckie, A Toniato and E Armstrong – Improving Implementation of the New South Wales Flood Prone Land Policy PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 7B: Modelling

M Forest – US Regulatory Challenges Associated with System Impacts of Encroachment into the Floodplain PRESENTATION



Session 7C: Land Use Planning

S Murrihy – Enhancing the Resilience of our Communities to Natural Hazards Through Private Developments PRESENTATION
S Haines and C Dearnley – Moving Beyond the Q100 Quagmire: Risk Based Land Use Planning PRESENTATION  | FULL PAPER
M Babister and M Retallick – Clustering Flood Risk: Are We Compounding the Problem by Using the 1% AEP Level for Too Much? PRESENTATION



Session 7D: Flood Prediction and Warning

B Caddis – Integrating Real-Time Landscape Changes in Flood Forecasting PRESENTATION
N Streeton – Flash Flooding Technology in Canberra PRESENTATION
M Redenbach – Practical Applications of Low-Cost Water Level Gauges in a Flood Early Warning Network PRESENTATION



Session 8: Big Data, Better Outcomes Workshop

Big Data, Better Outcomes Workshop PRESENTATION



Session 10A: Land Use Planning

M Schwecke – How Do You Develop a Regional Land Use Planning Framework for the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
R Thomson, D McLuckie, A Toniatio, L Drynan and T Kularatne – A Penny for Your Flood: Quantifying the Impact PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
T Morrison – Strategic Planning in a Highly Developed Rural Floodplain (Macquarie River) PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
L McLean and D Rose – Voluntary House Purchase: A Council Perspective PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 10B: Infrastructure Projects and Asset Management

R Boling – Learning From the Oroville Dam Spillway Failure PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
J Leister, D Lyons, M South and M Newby – Best Practice Planning for Residual Risk Behind Levees: The Launceston Experience PRESENTATION
T Maqsood – Assessing Tangible and Intangible Flood Impacts in Newstead, Launceston PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
M Pudasaini – Liverpool CBD Trunk Drainage Project: Flood Mitigation Challenges in Built Urban Environments PRESENTATION



Session 10C: Social and Cultural Aspects

S U’Brien – Community Capactiy Building Approach to Disaster Preparedness PRESENTATION
A Vary – The Path of Least Resistance: Inverleigh Flood Study PRESENTATIONFULL PAPER
S Yeo, S Esler and F Taaffe – Advancing Flood Risk Management in Pacific Island Countries: Challenges and Priorities PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 10D: Environmental Aspects (Climate)

P Paynter – ACT Government: Canberra’s Floodplain Management in a Changing Climate PRESENTATION
R Lett – Estimating Peak Design Flows Under Climate Change Incorporating Increased Rainfall Intensities and Drier Antecedent Conditions PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
P Conway – Flood Risk and Climate Drivers: A National Perspective on Regional Climate Sensitivity PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
G Smith, C Turrell and J Simpson– Hydraulic and Cost Benefit Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change in the HVFMS PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 11A: Flood Stories and Case Studies

P Filet – Fluvial Transect – A Tool for Vision Building and Engagement PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
S Moffet – Lismore Floodplain Risk Management Study PRESENTATION
J Maultby – Setting the Foundation for Rockhampton PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 11B: Infrastructure Projects and Asset Management

S Molino – Flood Resilient Infrastructure: A Design Framework PRESENTATION
T Brewer – Mass Warning and Siren Alert Notification for Advanced Community Warning: SunWater Case Study PRESENTATION
D Tetley – Outcome Based Optimisation of Integrated Stormwater Infrastructure in Sydney’s South West PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER



Session 11C: Flood Policy, Guidance and Best Practice

E Askew – Flood Modelling, Not Just for Defining Flood Extents: The Nimmie-Caira Project PRESENTATION
M Prasad - Taking a Cue from Nature: Holistic Floodplain Management in Rockhampton FULL PAPER
C Sullivan – What Kind of Reseach is Needed to Make Australia Flood-Safe? PRESENTATION


Session 11D: 10 Minute Presentations

L Collins and W Honour – Practical Applications of ARR2016 Procedures to Flood Modelling in NSW PRESENTATION
R Murphy – Plain Speaking: Writing Flood Studies for Broad Understanding PRESENTATION
W Carlisle – Development of an Automated Flooded Road Immunity Analysis Tool PRESENTATION
S Dakin, M Fitzhenry and B Tse – Extreme Events Push Data Quality Assurance to the Limits: The Experience of Cyclone Debbie PRESENTATION | FULL PAPER
M Pinto and S Lohani – Comparison of Direct Rainfall Hydrology Approach with Traditional Hydrology: Three Case Studies PRESENTATION
J Skipworth – Community Involvement in the Collection and Consumption of Data: aka Citizen Science PRESENTATION



Poster Papers

D Fulton, R Chowdhury and J Alam - Design Discharge Estimation from Urban Catchments: A Comparison Between ARR1987 and ARR 2016 FULL PAPER
G McMahon - A Review Part II of the Brisbane River Catchment Flood Study FULL PAPER
G McMahon and A Kiem - Taking Advantage of Climate Informed Hydrology FULL PAPER






*Please note not all papers and presentations are available.
FMA will upload files as they are provided. If you still need to send through your paper, presentation or poster, please Contact Us.


Unless specifically noted, Conference Papers and Presentations have not been peer-reviewed.

The information, opinions, and recommendations contained in Conference Papers and Presentations are those of the authors and are not necessarily endorsed by Floodplain Management Australia (FMA). FMA makes no claims as to the accuracy of information contained in Conference Papers and Presentations. Readers must exercise their own judgment as to the suitability of the material for their purposes and should contact the authors if clarification is required.