2023 Sydney
The Conference was held at the Luna Park Venues, Sydney, NSW from 23 – 26 May 2023.
The FMA Conference has been held annually for over 50 years and is the most respected flood risk management event held in Australia.
The Conference was for anyone interested in making our communities more flood safe. It brought together over 500 flood professionals and community members with interests in flood risk management. Attendees included Commonwealth, State and Local Government representatives, research organisations and education providers as well as consultants, engineers, land-use planners, emergency responders and community volunteer organisations.
The Conference included outstanding Australian and International speakers, plenary and concurrent presentations, a Local Government Councillors’ session, field trips addressing floodplain issues in Sydney and surrounding areas, as well as great networking events. Optional Conference workshops on topical issues were held on the Tuesday.
The 2024 National Conference will be held at the Brisbane Conference and Convention Centre from 21-24 May. Make sure you save the date now.
Photographs from the event can be found here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1us76xzhjmal8gi/AABoOYwDn2NAgYVuoeThVHzLa?dl=0