Media Releases

2024 FMA IAG Flood Risk Management Project of the Year Announced
24 May 2024

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) has announced a joint effort between the NSW Reconstruction Authority, RHELM, Catchment Simulation Solutions and WMAWater as the winner of its 2024 FMA IAG Flood Risk Management Project of the Year Award. The winning project, the Hawkesbury-Nepean River Flood Study, covers 8 local government areas on Sydney's western and northern fringes, providing contemporary flood information for one of the highest flood risk floodplains in Australia... Read More.


2024 FMA IAG Young Floodplain Manager of the Year Announced
24 May 2024

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) has announced Catherine Walker from WMS Engineering in Sydney, New South Wales, as the winner of the 2024 FMA IAG Young Floodplain Manager of the Year. The prestigious award is presented to a Young Floodplain Manager who has made an outstanding contribution or achievement to the flood risk management industry in their early career... Read More.

2024 FMA Allan Ezzy Flood Risk Manager of the Year Announced
24 May 2024

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) has announced Peter Cinque of the NSW State Emergency Service as the winner of the prestigious nation-wide FMA Allan Ezzy Flood Risk Manager of the Year Award. The coveted award is presented to an individual who demonstrates best practice in flood risk management, community engagement and awareness, and an overall drive to make their community safer from flood... Read More


Flood Experts Convene in Sydney
23 May 2023

Australia's leading network of flood professionals is hosting its National Conference at Sydney this week, bringing together delegates from Australia, New Zealand, USA and the UK to discuss how to make communities safer and more resilient to floods. The Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) National Conference runs from 23 to 26 May at Luna Park Venues, Milsons Point, and is expecting over 480 flood experts to tour the city during ... Read More


Flood Experts Praise Warragamba Dam Announcement
10 October 2022

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham has praised the decision by the NSW Government to support raising Warragamba Dam to reduce the risk of catastrophic flooding in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley. The NSW Premier Dominic Perrotet has announced ... Read More.

FMA Looks Forward to Working with the New Government to Reduce Flood Losses
17 June 2022

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham has welcomed the appointment of the Albanese ministry and looks forward to working with the new Commonwealth Government to better manage the enormous flood risks which too many communities face. Mr. Dinham said the flooding which has devastated so much of eastern Australia over recent months clearly demonstrates the need ... Read More.



Wollongong Council Wins National Flood Award
9 June 2022

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) has announced the Wollongong City Council as the winner of its 2022 FMA ICA Flood Risk Management Project of the Year Award. The winning project, Implementing ARR2019 in Wollongong , involved testing the national guideline document used for estimating ... Read More.

2022 Young Flood Manager of the Year
9 June 2022

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) has announced Erin Hughes, from Hydrology and Risk Consulting (HARC) in Blackburn, Victoria as the winner of the 2022 FMA IAG YFM Flood Risk Manager of the Year Award. The prestigious award is presented to a Young Floodplain Manager who has made an outstanding contribution or achievement ... Read More.

Toowoomba Flood Engineer Wins National Award 
24 May 2022

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) has announced Toowoomba flood modelling engineer Bill Syme of BMT (TUFLOW) as the winner of the prestigious nation-wide FMA Allan Ezzy Flood Risk Manager of the Year Award ... Read More.


FMA Welcomes Review of Flood Prone Development
14 March 2022

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) has welcomed the announcement by NSW Planning Minister Anthony Roberts of an independent review of the instruments, policies and programs applying to developments in flood prone locations. FMA President Ian Dinham said the flooding which has devastated so much of eastern Australia in recent weeks ... Read More.

Social Media's Potential Deadly Influence During the Queensland and New South Wales Floods
3 March 2022

Social media users are perpetuating a life-threatening trend throughout the flooded states of the nation. Videos of people swimming, jet-skiing and messing about in their local floodwaters have inundated all social media platforms over the past few days. "While people may view this content as entertainment, what they don't recognise is just how dangerous this behaviour is ... Read More.

The Not So Obvious Consequences of Flooding
2 March 2022

Adding to the distress of families and businesses directly affected by flooding, many people whose properties are not classified as 'flood prone' have been experiencing flow on effects from this week's massive rain event in Queensland and New South Wales. Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham reported from Gympie, on the Mary River in South East Queensland, that one of the serious concerns ... Read More.

When the Floods Recede is the Time for Serious Planning
28 February 2022

The extensive and deadly flooding in Queensland and northern NSW serves as a warning that natural disasters are always just over the horizon, and all levels of government, as well as local communities, need to be prepared. As the cleanup of thousands of homes and businesses continues Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham said that now ... Read More.

Warragamba Dam Raising Essential for Saving Lives
25 November 2021

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham has told a national gathering of flood professionals that raising the wall of Warragamba Dam is essential if the risk of catastrophic flooding in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley is to be meaningfully reduced. Addressing the November meeting of FMA Members Mr Dinham said there is a clear and present risk to life for about 55,000 people ... Read More.

FMA-NRMA Insurance Flood Risk Management Project of the Year Award
1 June 2021

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) has announced the New South Wales State Emergency Service (NSW SES) together with Infrastructure NSW as the winner of its 2021 Flood Risk Management Project of the Year Award. The winning project, the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley Community Resilience Program, aims to increase and sustain flood resilience in the most flood-exposed area in New South Wales ... Read More.

2021 Flood Risk Managers of the Year
1 June 2021

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) has announced Graeme Milligan (Queensland Reconstruction Authority) and Paul Grech (GLN Planning) as the joint winners of the prestigious nation-wide FMA Allan Ezzy Flood Risk Manager of the Year Award. The coveted award is presented to an individual who demonstrates best practice in FRM, community engagement and awareness, and an overall drive to make their community safer from flood. FMA President Ian Dinham said ... Read More.


2021 Young Floodplain Manager of the Year
1 June 2021

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) has announced Tim Morrison, from Catchment Simulation Solutions, as the winner of the 2021 inaugrual FMA YFM Young Floodplain Manager of the Year Award. The prestigious award is presented to a Young Floodplain Manager who has made an outstanding contribution or achievement to the flood risk management industry in their early career. FMA is pleased to support the ... Read More.

Financial Support Essential to Implement Flood Plans
25 March 2021

The serious flooding underway across Queensland provides a timely reminder that flooding has become an annual event - floods will happen somewhere in Queensland every year. Queensland has jumped to the front in terms of economic cost of natural disasters in Australia, averaging $11 billion per year between 2007 and 2017. This equates 60% of the national cost over this period ... Read More.

How Long Must We Wait for Effective Flood Protection?
22 March 2021


As the NSW flood crisis continues to unfold, Floodplain Management Australia President Ian Dinham has praised the efforts of the NSW State Emergency Service, assisted by NSW Rural Fire Service Members. "With over 8,000 calls for assistance and more than 800 flood rescues from the mid-north coast to the Illawarra since the weather system started and more rain to fall in coming days ... Read More.


Prominent Reports Recommend Flood Mitigation
4 January 2021


Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham has praised two recently released reports, which highlight the benefits to communities of providing flood mitigation infrastructure, such as flood levees. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's (ACCC) recently released final report on the Northern Australia Insurance Inquiry has found ... Read More.


Wild Weather a Reminder to Prepare for Floods
27 July 2020


As the cleanup from the flash flooding along the NSW coast continues Ian Dinham, President of Floodplain Management Australia, warned that we should not be surprised by this wild weather event which caught many unprepared. Newcastle and suburbs took a battering with Williamtown reporting its wettest ... Read More.


Australian Virtual Flood Conference Leading the Way
20 May 2020


Australia's leading network of flood professionals is hosting its National Conference digitally this week, and bringing together delegates from all over the country and overseas to discuss how to make our communities safer and more resilient to floods. While it was originally intended to hold the Conference in ... Read More.


Bushfires Ended By Flooding Rains
10 February 2020


The bushfire busting heavy rain along the coast of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia should not be unexpected. Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham said "What we are seeing is a common scenario where extended dry periods are followed ... Read More.


A Champion for Australian Flood Risk Management
28 May 2019


At Floodplain Management Australia's (FMA) National Conference in Canberra this May, Peter Garland (City of Sydney) was announced as the Winner of the FMA Allan Ezzy Flood Risk Manager of the Year Award. The coveted award is presented to an individual in the flood risk realm who demonstrates ... Read More.


A Record Flood for Townsville
5 February 2019


With record flooding and rain still falling it's a very serious emergency for everyone in the Townsville area. The Bureau of Meteorology advises that 1 metre of rain has fallen in the last week with a further 450mm by Monday end. The Ross River Dam is at more than 200% capacity and releasing water ... Read More.

Flood and Fire Calls for Change
30 November 2018

The recent extreme weather events across the Eastern side of Australia is a poignant reminder of the need for urgent change to natural disaster funding arrangements. Over the past few days, there have been major flash flooding events causing much damage and numerous rescue efforts ... Read More.


Toowoomba Regional Council Wins Flood Risk Management Award
19 June 2018

NRMA Insurance in partnership with Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) has announced Toowoomba Regional Council as the winner of its Flood Risk Management Project of the Year Award. Since the 2011 Queensland floods, Toowoomba Regional Council developed flood studies in ... Read More.


Rockhampton Regional Council Leading Flood Risk Management
19 June 2018

Rockhampton Regional Council has been highly commended in the 2018 NRMA Insurance Excellence Award, a partnership with Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) and NRMA Insurance. The North Rockhampton Flood Mitigation Area project developed by Rockhampton Regional Council... Read More.


Griffith City Council Leading Flood Risk Management
19 June 2018

Griffith City Council has been specially commended in the 2018 NRMA Insurance Excellence Award, a partnership between Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) and NRMA Insurance. The Installing the First Flood Warning System in the Mirrool Creek Catchment project by Griffith City Council... Read More.


A Win for Australian Flood Risk Managers
1 June 2018

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) has announced Duncan McLuckie, Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW), as the winner of the prestigious nation-wide 2018 FMA-Allan Ezzy Flood Risk Manager of the Year Award. FMA President, Ian Dinham, said the Award aims to recognise and promote... Read More.


Australia's Flood Experts Convene at Gold Coast
29 May 2018

The Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) Conference runs from 29 May - 1 June at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, and is expecting over 400 flood experts to tour the city during that week. The Conference "Waterways of Success: Developing flood resilience in our ... Read More.

Back to the Future with Flooding in Queensland
15 March 2018

Once again, torrential rain, storms, and floods in north Queensland have wreaked havoc on communities, properties, and local economies. A disaster situation was declared by the Queensland Government after towns were cut off, residents evacuated and more than 200 homes were...Read More.


Australia's Largest Gathering of Flood Expertise
28 May 2017

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham has declared the National flood conference held in Newcastle a resounding success. At the National Flood Forum which concluded the conference, Mr Dinham said the presence of almost 400 attendees from over 190 organisations...Read More.

Brisbane River Catchment Flood Study - A Great Step Forward
15 May 2017

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham has congratulated the Queensland Government on release of the Brisbane River Catchment Flood Study, saying it is a great step towards improving the safety of communities is South East Queensland. "Queensland has progressed enormously in its understanding...Read More.

Praise for Hawkesbury-Nepean Flood Strategy

8 May 2017

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham has praised the newly released Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley Flood Risk Management Strategy saying it is a significant step towards improving the safety of Western Sydney communities. “The Hawkesbury –Nepean Valley is home to over 60,000 people who may...Read More.

Newcastle Inundated by Experts for National Flood Conference
1 May 2017

Australia's leading network of flood professionals is hosting its third National Conference in Newcastle this May, and is bringing in delegates from all over the country and overseas to discuss how to make our nation safer and more resilient. The Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) Conference...Read More.

Flood Prone Australia Needs More Levees
11 April 2017

The performance of levees during the extensive flooding in Queensland and northern New South Wales has again demonstrated that investment in flood mitigation makes sound economic sense. Floodplain Management Australia (FMA)  President Ian Dinham said there are numerous examples... Read More.

Flood Costs Can Be Reduced
30 March 2017

As the remnants of ex-tropical cyclone Debbie dumps huge amounts of rain over South East Queensland and North East New South Wales Councils and emergency responders are having to deal with river and flash flooding on a scale that has not been seen in some time. Floodplain Management Australia... Read More.

Councils Count Flood Costs
20 March 2017

Local Councils are counting the cost of damage from persistent wet weather and flooding over much of Australia and many will struggle to finance the necessary flood repair and recovery actions. Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham said FMA has major concerns about the excessive red tape and... Read More.

Long Road to Flood Recovery
29 September 2016

Damage from the persistent wet weather over New South Wales throughout September highlights the need for improved arrangements for flood repair and recovery.  Floodplain Managment Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham said "With the end of the El Nino, we are now seeing the familiar scenario where flooding... Read More.


The El-Nino Has Ended and Flooding Returns
21 July 2016

The widespread heavy rain and flooding experienced in Tasmania, New South Wales and Queensland over the last two months may be unseasonable but should not be unexpected. Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham said “The El Nino has ended and we are...Read More.


Little-known Dangers of Driving in Floodwaters
20 June 2016

The demonstration by University of New South Wales researchers that it is surprisingly easy for modern cars to be swept away by as little as 60 centimetres of slow moving water is a timely warning as heavy rain and flooding continues along eastern Australia...Read More.

Warragamba Dam Plan Applauded
17 June 2016

Australia’s network of flood professionals, Floodplain Management Australia (FMA), has applauded the announcement by NSW Premier Mike Baird that his government plans to reduce the flood risk to the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley by raising Sydney’s Warragamba Dam...Read More.

Flood Investment Crucial
8 June 2016

The widespread damage in Tasmania this week calls to attention the dire need for investment in flood mitigation around the country. Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) President Ian Dinham said the construction of levees, such as the 13 km levee system in Launceston, can provide protection against flooding and resulting community and business losses...Read More.

Flood Levee Saves Lismore CBD Again
6 June 2016

Lismore CBD has again escaped flooding because of the $20 million flood levee built in 2005. Since then it has kept the city safe from floods in 2005, 2008, 2009 and now in June 2016...Read More.

Australian Flood Manager of the Year: Drew Bewsher
20 May 2016

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) has announced Drew Bewsher, Bewsher Consulting, as the winner of the nation-wide 2016 Allan Ezzy Flood Risk Manager of the Year Award...Read More.

Moreton Bay Regional Council Wins Flood Risk Management Award
20 May 2016

Floodplain Management Australia (FMA) in partnership with NRMA Insurance has announced Moreton Bay Regional Council as the winner of the 2016 FMA NRMA Insurance Excellence Award...Read More.

Flood Grants to Help Save Lives and Property
10 December 2015

Australia’s national network of flood professionals has enthusiastically welcomed the NSW Environment Minister Mark Speakman’s announcement of $4.9 million in floodplain risk management grants...Read More.

Australia Needs to be Better Prepared for Floods
25 August 2015

The severe weather conditions in the Kiama area today are another reminder that dangerous flooding occurs in many different ways and at any time...Read More.

Flood Association Goes National
20 August 2015

Australia’s leading network of flood professionals, the Floodplain Management Association, has officially changed its name to Floodplain Management Australia (FMA)...Read More.

Flooding a Tragic Reminder: FRM Needs to Be Smarter
29 April 2015

Last week’s flooding in Dungog and the Hunter Region serve as a tragic reminder of the need for smarter and more responsible flood risk management in New South Wales...Read More.

FMA Congratulates NSW Ministers
8 April 2015

Australia’s national network of flood professionals congratulates the Hon. Mark Speakman, the Hon. Rob Stokes and the Hon. David Elliot on their recent appointments to the Ministries of Environment, Planning and Emergency Services, respectively...Read More.

Flood Prevention and Resilience Crucial to Community Safety
24 February 2015

The Floodplain Management Association (FMA) warns in the aftermath of Tropical Cyclone Marcia and on the 60th anniversary of the tragic 1955 Maitland flood, it is crucial to invest in prevention and resilience, not simply on the repair of damages...Read More.